Thursday, August 6, 2009

Just some stuff

Ok the randomness hit me again. So our brilliant bus driver decides that he would like to take a shortcut today. Wow, amazing shortcut, of course I was irritated, annoyed, really really annoyed, so annoyed in fact that I did the most predictable thing ever, started messaging my friends telling them I was annoyed!!! What people will do to get a little attention ;)
Well got home about 45 mins late, angry as hell, swearing under my breath, wishing all sorts of hateful things on the @#$@#$@%#^%$&%^*&%^* bus driver... when what do I see, but my new maid standing in front of my door and waiting for me. Ah what a relief. I hate to admit it, and I hate it even more when it happens, but my mother, my dear sweet midlife-crisis-having, persistently-nagging-when-she's-annoyed, bad-earring-choosing mother was right!!!
I love being able to come home and be lazy. :) Ah bliss.

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