Saturday, August 8, 2009


Is this really happenning? Am I blogging? 2 days after the last blog.. well maybe there's hope for me yet.

Random thought for the day : Do we always remember the way things were? Or do we just remember they way we think they were? Do experiences shape memories? Or do memories shape experiences?

Now that that's out of the way. Did a bit of purging today. Wrote my diary after a long time. Thinking of getting back to writing. I have to hurry if I want to get my book done by the time I'm 35. It really has been a while since I wrote actually. I suppose I kind of miss it. I stopped in college after I lost my pen. I know it sounds silly, but I had this beat up old pen that I would write all my stuff with. All the stories the essays even exams. I had it all through school and then up until the second year of college. And then of course one of my best friends borrowed it and lost it! I hate when that happens!!! She never figured out why I made such a big deal of it. I guss its not her fault, she never even knew that I wrote let alone that the pen she borrowed was my quill. Its been some 5 years since then and I havent really written a word. I mean I've written, it just never makes any sense. When I had the pen, I would start out writing about something and then the pen would just take over and the story would just flow out of me. And I would discover it just as if I was a reader. Its difficult to explain I guess. But those who read get it. I mean the character would start as a little girl sad at moving house and would end at a murderess who killed an abusive husband, and I never knew how it got from one to other. Not until I read it back of course. The writing just took over. I never knew what to expect or where I would find myself at the end. I guess a little like now. I started off at a random thought and ended at an old memory. Maybe I had something to do with the stories after all :) .. Maybe I'll start another blog :)

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