Sunday, June 2, 2013

Finding ... someone

Lets start this again. Like we never took a hiatus.
It's been two years since I wrote last. 2 years... seems like an eternity. I don't know what it is today. Strange, but I felt like it's been too long. I've gotten lost. Lost in this crazy humdrum that is everyday life. In the wake up-brush teeth-take shower-drive to work day. In the little things that slowly take over your life. The latest TV show you just downloaded. That kilo of fish that you just went out and bought. Who have we become in our quest for the simple things in life. I wonder if everyone feels the way we do. Maybe they do, but just don't write about it. Big dreams get replaced by smaller ones, the smaller ones by tinier ones, the tinier ones by the simplest of things. In school we wanted to rule the world, in college we wanted to be something, when we started working we wanted to stand out and now I just want to survive the workday. Someday not too far from now, my dream will become just to wake up in the morning. I'll become the embodiment of the mundane and the tepid. The same one that I feared terribly. My goal for the day will be just to get through the entire day without straining myself. I fear that maybe its already here. Maybe the biggest things in life aren't like a Hiroshima or a Nagasaki, there's no explosion, no massive cosmic event that erodes your belief and makes you wonder what the hell is happening. No, it's more like the slow erosion of a rock by the river. The ever flowing river just keeps going and going, eating away at everything you believe in, slowly wearing you down, until there's really nothing left of you, nothing but your bare soul, naked for everyone to see.. all your fears, your desires, everything you once were is washed away by that incessant flow. Slowly but surely, you're nothing but dust and particles at the bottom of the river.

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