Saturday, September 17, 2011


From the title you know what this is about. I just watched this movie Hachiko, of course I cried like a baby througout it. Its such an emotional roller coaster.
Its a big deal "Loyalty" and never to forget people who love you. Always wait for their return. Even when it seems pointless to do so. When it feels beyond all logic and defies all sense of reason, sometimes you still wait for the ones you love or once loved to come back to you. More often than not, they dont. But you wait anyway. Hoping that one day they will. Whether you are separated by oceans or skies, you wait. Whether you were loved back equally or not, you wait. Such is unconditional love, with none of those tiny barters we each do to love the other, none of the accceptances we perform to adjust to other, just a blind love without expectation or burden. Pure unconditional love, that no one can dispute, no one can judge and no one can describe in words